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Emergency Services

Allendale Ambulance Corps

“Providing Emergency Medical Services & Transportation
to the Boroughs of Allendale & Saddle River since 1937.”

26 Arcadia Rd
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone: 201-327-3274 /

Allendale, Saddle River and other communities in Northwest Bergen County depend on us in times of greatest need. Our members become trained Emergency Medical Technicians. The training takes about 5 months and covers the skills necessary to provide Basic Life Support.

If you join the corps, we cover the training. We also need ambulance drivers. This requires some behind-the-wheel training, but less emergency training. You need only to be 21 & a licensed driver & willing to help those in need.

If you would like to join our team, please leave your name & number with the Allendale Police Dispatcher at 201-925-1900. You can also send an e-mail to

Thank you for your support!