Allendale Chamber of Commerce
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Meetings of our Membership

are generally

on the 2nd Tuesday of every month


2015 Meeting & Event Calendar


Thursday, 15th 6:30PM - Holiday Party at Media Mix


Tuesday, 10th 8:30 AM - Breakfast Meeting - AB&G


Tuesday, 10th Noon – Lunch Meeting - Restaurant L


Saturday,4th - Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Tuesday, 14th Noon – Lunch Meeting - Mezza Luna


Tuesday, 12th Noon – Lunch Meeting - Allendale Steak House


Blood Drive Saturday, 6th 9:00AM - 1:00PM at the Farmers Market

Tuesday 9th 6:30PM – Dinner Meeting - Savini

  * Presentation of the Allendale Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

Saturdays 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th - Farmers Market


Tuesday, 14th - No Meeting Scheduled

Saturdays 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th - Farmers Market


Tuesday, 11th - No Meeting Scheduled

Saturdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th - Farmers Market


Tuesday, 8th 6:30PM – Dinner Meeting – AB&G

  * Allendale Festival Day preparation meeting

Blood Drive Saturday, 19th 9:00AM - 1:00PM at the Farmers Market

Saturdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th - Farmers Market


Saturday, 3rd - Allendale Festival & Car Show

Tuesday, 13th Noon – Lunch Meeting - Fell House

  * Post Allendale Festival Day discussion.

Saturdays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th - Farmers Market


Saturday, 7th - Chamber 80th Anniversary Gala

Tuesday, 10th 6:30PM - Dinner Meeting hosted by Allendale Community for Senior Living

  * Presentation of the Slate of Officers

  * Allendale Holiday Walk preparation


Friday Eve December 4th - Allendale Holiday Walk

Tuesday, 8th 6:30PM - Dinner Meeting

  * AB&G Officer Elections

  * Allendale Holiday Walk discussion